
The five protective factors to combat ACES are concrete support in times of need, social connection, knowledge of parenting and child development, resilience, and child social and emotional competence. Reaching out and finding strength through connections in the community are what HOPE Conquers ACEs is all about. Below are resources for professionals within the community to strengthen their knowledge base.
To report suspected child abuse, neglect, or abandonment, in Idaho call Statewide: 1-855-552-5437 (KIDS) or Treasure Valley: 208-334-5437 (KIDS)
Physical Health Care
These resources are particularly relevant for professionals working in the field of health care. Mental health professionals and other professionals who work in hospital or clinical settings and public health professionals may also find these resources relevant to their work.
Please also see Community - Public Health
Mental Health Care
This section are particularly relevant for mental health professionals. Other health professionals who work in hospital or clinical settings and public health professionals may also find these resources relevant to their work.
Early Care and Education - ECE
These resources ​are for professionals who work with young children or their parents in early care and early education settings.
K-12 Education
These resources are for professionals in the Kindergarten through grade 12 education sector including teachers, aids, administrators, school counselors, staff and other professionals who work closely with educators or school-age youth.
Post-Secondary Education
These resources are particularly relevant for professionals in post-secondary education.
ACES Connection: ACEs in Higher Education
PTSD symptom course during the first year of college - Read, Bachrach, Wright, and Colder
An Overview of Post-Traumatic Stress in the College Setting - Slideshow
Distressed College Students Following Traumatic Events
Resiliency of Community College Students with Adverse Childhood Experiences
These resources are relevant for leaders in the business industry, professionals in human resources and management-level professionals interested in improving or maintaining positive work environments
Faith-Based Groups
These resources are for leaders of faith-based groups or organizations interested in developing a faith-community response to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and traumatic stress.
Creating Partnerships with Faith Communities to End Sexual Violence
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Mental Health, and the Adventist Church
Child Welfare and Fostering
These resources ​are intended to inform human service professionals, foster and adoptive parents, and other professionals and individuals working in or involved with the child welfare system.
Criminal Justice and Judicial
These resources are for professionals involved in the criminal justice system.
Ten Things Every Juvenile Court Judge Should Know About Trauma and Delinquency
Why Investing in Trauma-Informed Care for Children Makes Sense - Justice Policy Institute
Law Enforcement and First Responders
Domestic Violence
This section includes links are for any professional who addresses the topic of domestic violence or who may come in contact with victims of domestic violence in their work.
Substance Use
These resources are for professionals who promote substance abuse prevention or treatment or for professionals who address the impact of substance abuse on individuals, families or communities.
Child Abuse Prevention
These resources are for professionals who promote child abuse prevention or who work to prevent child abuse in families, communities or society.
Developing and Effective Child Abuse Prevention Message, Child Welfare Information Gateway
Prevent Child Abuse America, Making the Case: Why Prevention Matters